Physiotherapy, medical practices & alternative practitioners

Innovative application concepts and products with matching practice supplies. Our products and concepts find many applications in the healthcare sector. You can not only help your patients sustainably, but also tap new sources of income!

Are you struggling with the following issues?

Full calendar

Are you and your staff stuck in appointments all day and can only worry about the day-to-day running of the business?

Lack of patient engagement

Most patients come by prescription – but how do I ensure patients become regulars?

Stagnating sales

How do I manage to absorb new patients into my practice in a sustainable way with a lack of staff?

Ahead of the competition

How can I make my therapy concept even more attractive and offer real added value to my patients?

Your individual solution

Cellrecovery and EMG International will show you how to complement your daily practice routine and increase your profits using innovative products and the right concept – uncomplicated and without additional staff costs.

We specialise in individual solutions for physiotherapists, doctors and alternative practitioners.

We advise you on medical products and concepts to make your practice offer more innovative!

Bind your patients to your practice in the long term and win completely new target groups as customers.

Cellrecovery helps you expand your practice offerings and increase sales!

Read more about Cell Recovery Systems


Get in touch


Rinno Heidstra
Gaffelhoek 31
7546 MT Enschede (NL)
0031 (0)53 4750234 


EMG-International Jörg Kunde, Hersteller
Unter den Buchen 07
16244 Schorfheide am Werbellinsee (D)
0049 (0)172 390 4996

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