Supports rehabilitation
After accidents or operationsCell Recovery Systems helps recover quickly
Recovery after accidents or often takes longer Energy deficiency of cells often plays a role as well as pain and the feeling of stress.
Thanks to the five integrated systems of the Cell Recovery system, the conditions for rapid and optimal recovery are created.
The Cold Plasma contains more negative ions than a waterfall, contributing to a refreshing CRS experience that also neutralizes free radicals, counteracting chronic low-grade inflammation.
The EMG Perth offers electromagnetic program#s that, for example, improve blood flow, something that is an important factor in all recovery. Furthermore, it has a positive effect on both falling asleep,pacing and the quality of sleep. Healthy sleep supports recovery and is important for daytime fitness.
The infrared frequencies support blood circulation and help to achieve good relaxation.
The light and sound programs can be used for the goals that have the highest priority, for example:
Anti oxidative
Regulation autonomic nervous system
Stimulation of ATP production
Get in touch
Rinno Heidstra
Gaffelhoek 31
7546 MT Enschede (NL)
0031 (0)53 4750234
Unter den Buchen 07
16244 Schorfheide am Werbellinsee (D)
0049 (0)172 390 4996