The CellRecoverysystems is a unique addition to any business. It is fully installed and employees receive comprehensive training. (With certificate?)

A comprehensive manual is part of the delivery. Should there be any questions, our helpdesk is at your disposal.

Special price for fast decision makers.

CellRecoverySystems can be delivered starting November 1, 2023. If you decide to purchase before then, an interesting discount is possible. We will gladly inform you about this personally.

If you fill in and submit the form below we will contact you as soon as possible.


Get in touch


Rinno Heidstra
Gaffelhoek 31
7546 MT Enschede (NL)
0031 (0)53 4750234 


EMG-International Jörg Kunde, Hersteller
Unter den Buchen 07
16244 Schorfheide am Werbellinsee (D)
0049 (0)172 390 4996

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