A unique experience with Cell Recovery Systems
When you make an appointment for a session at our CellRecoveryCentre, you first fill out a form and a short conversation follows.
The integrated applications of the CellRecoverysystems can be optimized for what you need and therefore we would like a little more information.
We would like to know your expectations for your visit, if there are any complaints and if there are any circumstances where a CRS session should be discouraged.
You can book your first session starting Decembre 1!
The Center will likely open its doors beginning Decembre, 2024.
30-minute CellRecovery Experience costs 149 Euros.
Get in touch
Rinno Heidstra
Gaffelhoek 31
7546 MT Enschede (NL)
0031 (0)53 4750234
EMG-International Jörg Kunde, Hersteller
Unter den Buchen 07
16244 Schorfheide am Werbellinsee (D)
0049 (0)172 390 4996
Unter den Buchen 07
16244 Schorfheide am Werbellinsee (D)
0049 (0)172 390 4996