Wellness & Beauty
Today, the wellness and beauty industry offers a huge outlet. However, customers now expect more than just massages and facial scrubs.
Our innovative products, which can be easily integrated into your interior, ensure that your wellness oasis leaves a unique impression.
Expanding your wellness & beauty offering
The offer in the beauty and wellness industry is constantly changing. More and more new treatment methods are flooding the market. But does this leave you with an overview of which product will be the optimal addition for your business or which devices will give you turnover and your customers a truly lasting experience?
More than two-thirds of customers want an effect that carries over into everyday life. Many customers use wellness to consciously reduce feelings of stress; the immediate effect is becoming increasingly important. Clients want to feel a positive effect after an application. “The mirror of the soul”, physical complaints such as back pain are often the result of stress and imbalance.
Get in touch
Rinno Heidstra
Gaffelhoek 31
7546 MT Enschede (NL)
0031 (0)53 4750234
Unter den Buchen 07
16244 Schorfheide am Werbellinsee (D)
0049 (0)172 390 4996